Super Moon August 2014


Tonight, the moon will be closest to Earth in over 20 years. The Super Moon has brought us interesting energy this week. The energy is about final ends and new beginnings. Anything we haven’t been dealing with and pushing out of our awareness is manifesting at this time to be dealt with. I personally have not been able to sleep during normal hours because of the energy at night has been stirring creativity. Our dreams are also more intense.

Venus rising before the Sun now with the bright star Sirius is the signal event inaugurating this new Summer of Love at the dawning of the Aquarian Age. Many people were born for the very age that is just now beginning. August is a month of illumination as all things in the dark come to light during this time. Tonight is a time to send new intentions, heal situations that no longer serve us, and look to the new energy before us. We are living in a renaissance. Enjoy it. 💗💕💗🌕🌝🌠

Julie Tour Discusses 5 Simple Steps to Develop Psychic Awareness

My passion is to help people develop their own psychic abilities, re-establishing a personal connection to the divine. If you have not yet had a spiritual experience, it is more than likely your lifestyle keeping you in a certain consciousness. My journey is not the only possible journey, but I have definitely picked up a few things that have tremendously helped my intuition and psychic experiences along the way that I would like to share with you. Please feel free to post any feedback, questions, or tips you have picked up yourself while developing your intuition. Namaste xo.

Recognizing Signs from Heaven Using Numerology

Have you ever casually noticed seeing 11:11? Or 4:44? Angels often give us messages from heaven as answers to our prayers. The key to recognizing these messages is learning different ways in which angels give us signs. One of the most common ways angels communicate with us is through number sequences. Have you been noticing repeating numbers recently? I will be explaining the meaning behind the most common repeating sequences.

Synchronicity: Living a Synchronistic Life

Inner-connectedness between all beings is very real. I wasn’t so sure my entire life until synchronistic events made themselves an everyday presence in my life. I found myself after my Dad passed away asking questions about God, spirituality, and pushing the potential of human existence. If you accept things as they are, and never open up to the idea that we know very little as a society about the Divine, you may never find yourself on the journey to spiritual understanding. As soon as I put the intention out to find out more, many meaningful coincidences started entering into my life. What do these coincidences mean? I find that they are signs that I am on the right path. Synchronistic encounters are road marks on the map to our life purpose. Albert Einstein once said that “coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” I truly believe that. Coincidence is God’s way of co-creating miracles with us in our everyday lives. We need to follow those hunches, those opportunities that feel right to us that present themselves in our day-to-day lives. When we follow our inner divine guidance, synchronicity becomes evident continuously. As we follow our vague knowingness into the right direction, God has a way of lining up a synchronistic event in the future by aligning different circumstances throughout the past. When a synchronistic encounter finds you, without a doubt you know that a Divine intelligence brought this moment together for you.

What is synchronicity, and how do we teach those who have not yet had these encounters? Swiss psychologist Carl Jung devoted his life to answering these questions. Jung explains, “in all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.” I have found in my own life that painful experiences, and crazy outside circumstances actually turned out to be exactly what I needed on my path. Even though my feeble human mind could not see the happy outcome beyond the chaos, there seems to be a Divine intelligence that lead me to a better destination. As I started realizing that there is an invisible Divine hand in everything, tangible coincidences became very obvious to me. Jung describes this phenomenon so eloquently when he said, “synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.”Telling you about synchronicity is nothing compared to actually experiencing it for yourself.

In my best effort to explain the meaningful coincidences in my life, I have posted a video log to YouTube explaining a few of my own personal experiences with synchronicity. A more detailed account of many events in my life will be released in my upcoming book with the working title “Bitch! A Love Story”.

Feel free to share your own experiences with synchronistic events below! I would love to read them. Namaste


Q&A: Stress and Anxiety Relief- Honoring Your Sensitivity

This past week, I received two separate questions on my Facebook from readers pertaining to the same topic. I have decided to include my responses on my blog, assuming many others may be dealing with stress and anxiety from our daily lives. Honoring your intuition and sensitivity will allow you to overcome these feelings and live a happier, healthier life.

Q: I have read really great things! I like the stuff you are interested in and the way you explain them. What really caught my eye is when you were talking about all the psychic senses, particularly the Clairvoyance part. The part that caught me was the high anxiety you felt, saying it was because you were ignoring your psychic abilities. Will you touch on that?

A: Absolutely. Even though I was very open minded to angelic beings and psychic abilities as a child, I found myself pushing spirituality aside in my early twenties to pursue a career in business, particularly insurance, which is a highly regulated industry. I found myself suppressing my true interests and intuition for a stable income.  

My anxiety was off the charts. I was never super anxious or stressed growing up, even in seemingly stressful situations, but putting my spirituality out of mind made things worse. I would find myself barely able to sleep at night, even after working a 12 hour day. I was always going over and over my day in my head and thinking about all I had to accomplish the next day. On weekends, the anxiety would still be there even when I was off work. I would blast a fan during all seasons to drown out any noises to occupy my mind, and to put myself asleep to the sound.

After talking to family and a counselor about my dissatisfaction feeling anxious, I tried a few mainstream approaches. I tried the prescription drug, Ativan, and hypnotherapy focusing on releasing anxiety from my life, but nothing seem to stick or last long. I found the Ativan didn’t really do anything. Later, after studying the Indigo generation, I have learned drugs like Aderral and Ativan flush out of an indigo body rapidly. After studying “Awakening Your Indigo Power”, a certification course by Charles Virtue, I realized being unaffected by drugs is an indigo trait. According to Charles, Heaven knew that the indigo spirit would be a shock to the current world and many would try to control a “rebellious” child by suppressing their divine guidance and emotions through narcotics. Because of this, drugs and chemicals leave our systems very quickly, and have little effect.

I realized when my mind was most reflective was at night, that is when spirit was often trying to communicate with me. One night, I felt a presence near my bed. I knew it was my dad. I said outloud, “Dad, I really appreciate you visiting me, but I really need to sleep, so please leave me alone right now.” I literally felt his presence leave the room. You can be in perfect control of your abilities, but when ignoring them you are not protecting yourself. You can control with who, where, and when you want to communicate. All you have to do is think or say a boundary aloud.

These experiences set me out on a journey to actively use my psychic abilities. During work, I should have been shielding myself from the negativity around me and clearing my workspace, and home of negative energy, as well as my chakras at nighttime before sleep. In my findings, I realized sensitive people often absorb energy from others. The energy of my fast paced, stressful insurance job would stay with me well after I left the office. It wasn’t until I consciously cleared each chakra point of negative energy before bed until I started sleeping regularly. The act of releasing the day’s events each night reduced my anxiety tremendously.

At night, you can ask angels to clear the room of any negative entities or energy. I would always call on Archangel Michael to shield me and ask angels to guard my home. I highly recommend the Chakra Clearing nighttime meditation by Doreen Virtue. The book is worth buying to better understand the chakras, however, the meditation is available for free on YouTube. I often burn incense and sage as well to bring in a higher vibrational atmosphere. Once I started getting in a routine, everything calmed down for me. When you are clearing yourself regularly, new spiritual insights come more easily and rapidly. 

Q: Hey Julie. Do you have any suggestions/insight into Palm/thumb stones? I’m looking for a stone to use at work, I have an extremely stressful job and it’s consuming my life (stress, negativity, etc). I’ve been doing P90X3 to burn off some stress, and trying to eat clean, but it’s not helping.

A: For calming, I really like blue calcite (blue crystal ball pictured). I have it in a crystal ball form and keep it in my room. Whenever I feel stressed, I like to hold it and it calms me down immediately. A metaphysical store should also have it in a thumb or palm form. It helps with developing psychic abilities and astral travel as well.

Also for negativity, I used to keep an amethyst (purple crystals pictured) on my desk at the insurance office. It is a protection stone and keeps the effects of negativity away from you on a vibrational level.

As a sensitive person it is important to ground yourself. You may feel really great in meditation, but that feeling will fade when you go back in your body during your day to day regimen.  Keeping black tourmaline (small black crystals pictured) around will help you to bring the higher dimensional vibrations to the Earthly plane.

Keeping rose quartz around your environment will bring a loving atmosphere, and often sets the intention for the other stones to bring in love energy when placed next to other crystals.

Certain smells can also be calming. I highly recommend lavender and chamomile like the spray pictured below. I also burned a lavender candle on my desk at work. The aroma put my customers in better moods as well.


I hope this helps! If anyone has any other suggestions for what may have worked for you, please share in the comments! Namaste 

Manifesting the Life You Want

One of the most bizarre experiences of my life was waking up and realizing that the life I was living was for others and not me. Casting my pride aside, I took a very honest look at the career, school, and material choices I had made. Taking inventory of the path you have taken is a good way to further your spiritual growth. Being honest about where you are now is the best way to further your journey.

I found that there are two voices you can choose to listen to you when making a decision. The first is an empowering, encouraging, and unconditionally loving voice of your higher self that encourages to follow your heart. The second is the nagging, judgmental, constricting voice of… your mother. Sometimes this is labeled as the “ego” but the more I peel back the layers of my own ego, the more I realize where this naysayer is coming from.

Parents have a way of influencing us in our decision making well after they’re gone. They often shared with you what they learned out of love so this post is not to blame. The point is to recognize how to tell the difference between programming and your higher self. Parents teach you how to love, but they also teach you how to fear. The first step to manifesting the life you want is to recognize where your limiting beliefs stem from so you can recognize them and overcome them.

As the new year approaches, try to go on a negativity diet. Overcoming the self sabotaging thoughts is key to attracting the life you want. If you are constantly doubting your dreams, the universe is not going to respond favorably. Belief is half the battle. Once you reprogram your thought processes, action steps should be taken as you feel guided. Even a small baby step a day towards your dreams can move mountains. Notice doors opening for you that previously seemed locked. You may surprise yourself.

Bitch! A Love Story- No lies, no regrets, just love.

Life does not always go as planned. In fact, the one thing that you can rely on in life is change. It is how you handle the changes you experience that keeps you in the flow of life. Being in the flow means that doors open for you. Signs flow to you. You are constantly focusing on the silver lining to attain the inner peace you seek. The world may seem crazy. The world may sometimes seem cold. This is why it is so important to look at those around you through the eyes of compassion.

I have been lied to, manipulated, raped, dragged through court, and really treated badly. It would have been easy to remain bitter, but I continuously look to the future, and know that my best days are always ahead of me, while also enjoying the ride. I have found that when I am happy, some people love to rain on my parade. I usually cut ties with people who rain on my parade, but sometimes, if its family, you have to learn how to live with it. Detaching yourself from the opinions of others is critical. My favorite mantra is to never live your life for people who are determined to misunderstanding you. I may always rub certain people the wrong way, but to not let it affect my peace of mind is truly bliss. Trusting that the Universe will support you is key to letting go.

I will never forget finding my soul mate. He walked through my door and he hit me like a ton of bricks. He stayed over and never left. I remember spending a lifetime with him already and cherished everyday we spent together in this life. The time we spent in each other’s presence truly felt like he loved me back to life. My spiritual gifts woke up. I had them as a child and got away from it. Everything came back to me in full swing, the strongest it had ever been. I am writing about this love story in great detail in my upcoming book “Bitch! A Love Story.”

When he proposed, it was in a pyramid hotel in Las Vegas on New Years Eve. It was magical. I was elated, running around town like I had found my happily ever after. The vultures came soon. Not a single person in my family was happy for us. I could not believe it. I had to schedule an appointment with a psychic because I am so humble that I never wanted to believe that the hostility from others was out of jealousy. I didn’t tell the psychic a word and she said all I needed to know.

When everyone was completely against our marriage, we chose to elope on a random Monday in January. We found this cute little wedding place an hour away. We arrived there to find the lady performing the ceremony in traditional Chinese garb. I was confused, but happy to say the least. Our ceremony consisted of her ringing bells and chimes in between vows and promises. He placed a ring on my finger and I felt a surge of energy go up and down our arms. We both looked into each other’s eyes, and I knew instantly he had felt it, too. It was pure… magic.

At the end of the ceremony, we signed the paperwork. The lady who performed the ceremony made a comment about how it was very nice that we decided to get married on Chinese New Year. We both looked at her confused. She then realized we didn’t plan it. She looked astonished. “Today is Chinese New Year and today the year turned from Julie’s sign’s year, to Kevin’s sign’s year, the year of the dragon. I thought you planned this.”

My mouth dropped. I didn’t know it then, but that day was the start of a series of synchronistic events that lead me here. That day was well before I knew much about numerology. Our anniversary date is 1.23.12. Ascending numbers is a direct sign from spirit guides that your thoughts and actions are progressive. That day was the first day I ever said “screw you” to those trying to talk me out of following my heart. I have been following my heart ever since.

It has been a roller coaster and my life is far from perfect. I can’t control other people’s free will choices, even my soul-mate’s. I have to be honest and say drugs had gotten in the way of our relationship for awhile. It has taken him quite some time to overcome this. This comes from masking a hurt, a wound, from everyone who doesn’t believe in him. I have a role in that. Its easy to let other people take you off the course. This is why it is so important to me to teach clean psychic awareness development. Things happen for a reason. I wouldn’t trade any of my experiences for the world. I am wiser, I am loved, and I love. I am better for it in every way. I feel more alive than I have ever been. I pray that everyone can find this kind of love and happiness in this lifetime. I truly have no regrets. Every experience has made me the person I am today. I truly believe that whatever is meant to be will find a way to happen. Follow your intuition, and most importantly, follow your heart always. Everyone has a divine life purpose waiting to be answered. Let your story unfold. Namaste. Image