Manifestation and Healing for 2015

Looking back at your struggles or shortcomings for 2014, remember who helped you through those times. Feeling grateful for those who helped you through troubles can be very healing. Mr. Rogers once said that whenever things scared him on the news as a boy, his mother told him to look for the helpers. It’s a way to see the light through any darkness. Whenever there is darkness in your life, look for the helpers and you will see the light. Feeling grateful for the light in your life will invite more light in your future. Entering 2015 with a positive state of mind will help attract the very year you wish to manifest. Make this the best year yet. 🎉🎉

Angel Messages: 12-13-14


If you are seeing ascending number patterns, this is often a sign from our guides and angels that we are on the right path. When ascending numbers appear while in deep thought about our lives and the actions we must take, the numbers are a sign that our thoughts and actions are progressive. Today is a date of the ascending numbers 12-13-14. When a calendar date corresponds with such a pattern, this date is significant with our ascension in our personal lives, dreams and goals, as well as our ascension and elevation as a planet.

Today is a time to reflect on the good we do, and the steps that we have taken towards our goals. Every life purpose fits like a puzzle piece in our planetary evolution towards universal love and enlightenment. Today is a day to focus on the light and love on this planet. Every person here holds a spark of the divine within them. Although we will always have room to grow, today we acknowledge how far we have come. 12-13-14 is a strong message from the angels letting us know that our thoughts and actions are progressive in terms of bringing us closer to our life purpose. Keep it up, planet Earth. You are beautiful.