The Natural Healing Power of Thieves Oil

IMG_0187In medieval times, grave looters and thieves would cover themselves in an herbal oil blend to prevent themselves from getting sick with the plague. This blend has been passed down through generations to increase immunity function in the body. The formula is known as thieves oil due to it’s origin. Thieves is still used today to help boost your immunity, and recommended by many aromatherapists. Many people report seeing improvements staying well, avoiding seasonal viruses.

Making your own thieves is simple and inexpensive. Don’t get caught up in a multi-level marketing scam paying extra for an oil formula made for you. For the cost of one bottle of thieves, you could make many formulas yourself. I really like Aura Cacia and Now brands.

Thieves ratio:
– 40 drops of Clove
– 35 drops of Lemon
– 20 drops Cinnamon
– 15 drops Eucalyptus
– 10 drops Rosemary

Thieves uses:
– Topically with your favorite lotion, coconut oil, almond or avocado oil
– Topically from a roller bottle
– Behind the ears and bottoms of feet for best absorption
– Mixed with water and vegetable glycerine in a spray bottle
– Diffused in a candle diffuser or an electronic diffuser
– Mixed with vinegar and tea tree oil to clean and disinfect

Store your oil in an amber bottle to keep it safe from UV light. Thieves, like any essential oils, should not be ingested.

Tales of a Spiritually-Closeted Socialite


Growing up, it was common knowledge for me that we had past lives, angels were real, and our loved ones never truly left us. My mom often taught my sister and I about angels and how to ask for help. We were taught to shield ourselves with white light. If we needed help with anything, we were taught to say “on Angels’ wings…”, something that my sister got tattooed as an adult. As I got older, these beliefs became internal and less acknowledged in everyday interactions. I often explained why I was a vegetarian to people, because I believed humans and animals come from the same source, but I never got much more into it than that.

My dad passed away a month before my 21st birthday. What is an American college girl to do to get over her grief? I started going out… a lot. I was the girl who orchestrated nights out, limos, and townhouse parties. As my social network grew, I often threw VIP parties at local bars, and organized themed parties at my place. I filled my grief with friends and vodka. I didn’t care if you were gay, straight, considered an outcast in high school, or what your background was. I knew life can be hard and that everyone deserved a good time. I feel that’s why so many different kinds of people were friendly with me. If you were the odd one out because you couldn’t afford to come, I would pay. If you needed a ride, I would drive. If you wanted a place to crash, I would accommodate. I loved bringing different people together and having a good time. My little pockets of friends became one big circle. I never wanted the party to end. While I delved deeper into the social scene in southeast Michigan, and made friends around my college, I also started receiving signs and messages from my father through psychics and tangible signs at synchronistic moments, which wasn’t the lightest party subject. I kept a lot of my experiences to myself for awhile. I would go out with metaphysical crystals in my purse, and an angel wing around my neck, all the while feeling a little bit like a hypocrite and not completely myself.

Through my journey I realized my most dramatic signs were experienced while sober. My biggest breakthroughs happened when I gave up drinking. I made a promise to myself to do whatever it took to take care of myself and help my intuition. I started using natural beauty products, gave up drinking, drank lots of fruit smoothies, and ate lots of healthful veggies and fruits (See video: 5 Steps to Develop Psychic Awareness). Signs were coming to me all the time, but I often missed my friends.

While most of my “party” friends lost interest in me when I stopped going out, I hung on to a few. For the sake of privacy, we will be calling my best friend, Miles. Miles and I loved going to a gay bar named Pronto in Royal Oak for Karaoke night. I remember deciding to go out again for the first time since I promised myself to take better care of myself. It would be my first sober night at this particular place.

Miles and I made our way over to the bartenders, who knew our names. I ordered a lemonade instead of my usual raspberry stoli and lemonade. The music was loud and the place was only mildly busy. We stood next to the bar, avoiding blocking others who wanted to walk up for a drink.

I started telling Miles about the increase in signs I had been getting. He knew I had experienced numerology signs, but it was evolving (See video: Signs from Heaven Using Numerology).

“It’s more than just repeating numbers now at weird times. It’s been feathers and pennies lately,” I said loudly over the music. ” I will be thinking about my dad or Angels and I will see a penny in a weird place or a feather will come into my view at that moment.”

While I was looking at Miles, I felt as if something dropped on my right foot. I looked down to see a penny facing up on my black, knee-high boot.

“Umm, are you serious right now?” I exclaimed to my friend. “Did you drop that?”

“No,” Miles answered as he held his drink.

We both looked around. There wasn’t anyone next to us or any sign of someone passing by. At that moment, we both looked up as if it fell from the sky and laughed. Miles had this contagious, goofy laugh everyone loved to mimic. The old bar ceiling was painted a dark color and had patterns that suggested it was built a century ago. It had no logical place a penny could have fallen from.

“That’s really weird,” Miles said, still laughing.

I couldn’t help but smile. I was elated at the sight of a sign right on cue.

“See what I mean! There are even Angels with us right here in the gay bar!” I said, excitedly.

Those moments taught me that the divine is everywhere with everyone, no exceptions. The absence of the divine is just perception from man and is a fallacy. Even in a late night bar with drunken people, the divine is there. No one is excluded. No moment is excluded. It took a night out in a different state of mind to marry my two experiences of life: a party girl, and a spiritual practitioner. Perception is everything.

The Revolutionary Spirit: Remembering Dr. King

2015/01/img_0119.pngLooking back at Martin Luther King Jr.’s life work shows a man who was empowered by his revolutionary spirit. As many people take his day of remembrance as an opportunity to post flowery quotes, I feel his most crucial statements get overlooked. Dr. King was truly a revolutionary who would act to change an unjust world. He once said, “Our only hope today lies in our ability to recapture the revolutionary spirit and go out into a sometimes hostile world declaring eternal hostility to poverty, racism, and militarism.”

We still deal with many issues today that Dr. King fought, which many of us have gotten complacent over. Recent census data shows that half of the U.S. population qualifies as poor or low income, with one in five millennials living in poverty. In 2011, 16.7 million children lived in food insecure households. A 2013 UNICEF report ranked the U.S. as having the second highest relative child poverty rates in the developed world. Would Dr. King think that is acceptable?

Many mainstream society members blame poor education or drugs and alcohol on the homeless. Society often blames the homeless for not “getting a job”. Did you know that 44% of homeless people are employed? We can throw the homeless man a dime, or we can start to look at the big picture, like Dr. King would.

We live in a financial landscape where the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Such a small group of people control most of the world’s wealth and resources. Our societal abundance is being choked by the greedy few. We keep giving the majority of our wealth to corporations as mom and pop shops are closing their doors. Where we spend our money truly dictates our financial landscape. If you want a revolution, start by revolutionizing your life. Live closer to work. Stop paying so much in gas. Spend money at a local shop versus a place that outsources to make their shareholders richer. Does your company help or inhibit this cause?

Today, take the opportunity to re-evaluate the life you lead and the world in which you live. Which structures need to be reconstructed to better suit everyone and everything that shares this planet? Don’t be complacent when you see others suffer. In Dr. King’s name, take action to make the necessary changes. One man did so much and had a profound impact on all of us. Imagine a world where everyone led their life by their own revolutionary spirit.

Authenticity Creates Synchronicity


As we all discover our inner-connectedness, it becomes more apparent that the divine is in everyone that you could possibly meet. A higher expression of the self is to show the divine aspect of you. We all have a choice whether to operate from our higher self or our lower self.

As the world starts to consistently operate from the higher self, miracles will not only happen through us but to us. In truth, our true nature is to be loving. To be authentic is to allow the divine to shine through your life. Synchronicity is the norm for a person operating from their higher self. Be a living example of divine love.