Mercury Retrograde: It’s All a Part of the Plan

Mercury retrograde is a time for rest, reflection, and revisiting moments in your life. Electronics may go wonky, hence my MacBook that won’t power up today, but it’s okay. Instead of powering through some writing, I took the time to really just be. Life is truly sweet, and while everyone has their seemingly dark days, even those moments seem to bring blessings. 

Being ridiculously happy lately has brought these beautiful moments of clarity. I’ve realized everything I once perceived as “bad” in my life has actually been the very events that led to a very beautiful time. It has given me this inner peace knowing that whatever job I didn’t get, or crisis situation I had to deal with, all of these things led me to this beautiful time of life. When the universe shuts a door or blocks a certain path, take it as a trail marker that you are being redirected to your purpose, because it truly is.

Every dark day I’ve ever had, I’ve managed to see synchronistic signs that helped me believe things were going to be okay. However, not knowing what tomorrow would bring was scary at times. I would go back and tell myself not to worry, that everything was working out beautifully, despite outward appearances. I truly feel in my soul that I knew this to be true, but being on the other side of tumultuous times I would reassure myself that these redirections would just become part of my success story.

Embrace the unexpected, the rejections, and the Mercury Retrogrades in your life. These, too, are here for a reason. 💗  

The Curious Mystery of the Missing Crystal

I had been wearing the same amethyst around my neck for the better part of a couple years. About a month ago, a random woman came up to me and told me she could see Archangel Michael behind me and that I am always protected. She made a comment that I don’t really need my necklace. I instantly knew she was referring to the amethyst I had chosen to wear for protection. I was elated to get a message like that on a day I had been seeing a lot of Angel Numbers, and deeply felt it was genuine and heartfelt. Even with such a beautiful message, I didn’t want to part with the crystal I had become so partial to wearing. I eventually bought a new crystal, a rose quartz, meant as a replacement, but still couldn’t bring myself to separate the amethyst from my necklace. 

Last week, I noticed the crystal was missing from my necklace before I went to bed. Retracing my steps seemed impossible since it was lost on my day off and I had ran a bunch of errands all over the place. I really wanted to know what had come of it. More importantly, I didn’t want this loss to be a waste. Instead of being completely bummed about it, I said a little prayer that someone who needs it will find it, and hoped for the best. 

A few days later, a coworker of mine, who I will call Sandy, stopped by my desk and started telling me about how she just came inside from her work break. Sandy was sitting in her car reading articles on the Internet about celebrities that carry crystals. This sparked an interest in her that lead her to research crystals to help herself. She realized she wanted to purchase an amethyst for a particular concern she had that very morning. As she came to this realization towards the end of her break, she opened her door and stepped outside to feel something break beneath her foot. She extended her hand at this point in the story to show me a broken amethyst. But it wasn’t just any amethyst. 

“That’s my crystal!” I exclaimed, in utter disbelief. I proceeded to tell Sandy about the woman who came up to me randomly saying that I don’t need my necklace, and how it came to be missing. It was bizarre that it happened to drop in my work’s parking lot to begin with since I had literally only stopped there in an area I never really even park in for a moment on my day off.

It was clear through such a synchronistic series of events that the crystal was meant for Sandy. We both had goosebumps and exchanged a series of excited statements. However, we were both slightly concerned it was broken, and started researching interpretations of the meanings behind broken crystals. The first site that we opened said that when a crystal is broken, it can mean it’s work with you is done and it is a sign to gift it to someone else who needs it. The fact it broke and the way it broke made me feel even better about letting it go. Sandy now keeps the crystal pieces in her pocket daily as she is working on a healing.

It was such an auspicious day from the start, even before Sandy happened to stop and talk to me, particularly, instead of the dozens of people working around us. The moon was full, and I kept seeing even more angel numbers than usual. It was like a heightened intuition had come over everyone with whom I came in contact. A different coworker happened to give me my work break at 4:44, which means angels are all around you. When everyone works together to bring each other signs and messages without even trying, it just shows how connected we all are. As for the missing crystal, it was never really missing at all, just repurposed for a greater need. 

Spring Equinox 2015: A Solar Eclipse Super New Moon 

This Friday, March 20th, is a very rare event in astrology. We will be experiencing a total solar eclipse. According the Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. Blog, the solar eclipse will be in the very last moments of pisces, which has to do with our emotions. The moon will be passing through the Earth and the sun, which will be visible in parts of Europe and Africa. The solar eclipses of the past have been used in astrology for manifestation between the event and the next full moon. What makes this solar eclipse unique is that the moon is not only a new moon, but a Super New Moon, meaning the moon is at its closest orbit to Earth. Manifestation abilities will be dramatically heightened, so make sure to keep your thoughts at their highest levels. 

What takes this event to the next noteworthy level is that this all happens to fall on the Spring Equinox. The Spring Equinox has been celebrated in human history as a time of increased light, abundance, enlightenment, and healing. From Christianity, to Wiccan tradition, the Spring Equinox is prevalent in many religions, holidays and traditions (See The Goddesses of Easter: Ostara vs Ishtar). The spring equinox is a time honored tradition that shifts previously stagnant energy from the winter, into a time of movement specifically abundance, fertility, and increased light. Scientifically speaking, our days will be full of more sunlight. 

This event will not only affect us energetically on the individual level, but also as a collective. Any obstacles that have been in the way during the winter months will be removed. Our emotions will give us insights on what hasn’t been working for us. Anything negative will be washed away and replaced with something positive, as long as we are willing to let go of what has been holding us back. Take inventory of what’s no longer serving you. This is the perfect time for a spiritual spring cleaning. 

This is a time to reflect on our desires, and how we can best help the planet as a whole. The desire to manifest events to help others will be rewarded at this time. Increased light will bring through our benevolent Angels and guides, who wish to help us with these changes. The effects of this event energetically will be continuing for months ahead. Take a moment this Friday to close your eyes, and envision this planet within a vibration of peace and serenity. Anything that will help you along your path of extending peace to others is something you should set your intention on manifesting. Happy Solar Eclipse, Super Moon, and Spring Equinox Day! 

Sending Intentions on Super Moon, September 2014


Tonight is the third and last Super Moon of the summer. A Super moon is an intensified new moon or full moon as far as the effects it has on you, energetically. The Super Moon is in Pisces, bringing us a huge waterfall of emotions. Full moons can often have an emotional effect on us, but when in Pisces, a water sign, emotional healing is dramatically heightened.

As with every full moon, the Super Moon is an opportunity to send new intentions out for the next cycle. In ancient traditions, full moons were said to be able to bring anything to you from abundance to love. Setting intentions will attract an aim very quickly. Each loving word, thought and intention we create in turn sends more loving energy into the world. Human beings have powerful manifestation abilities. We are all alchemists in the sense that we can create and transform the existence around us. As more people send out loving vibrations into the world, the Earth truly resonates at a higher vibration. Let’s continue to send intentions to lift Mother Earth up on this Super Moon. 💗

Super Moon August 2014


Tonight, the moon will be closest to Earth in over 20 years. The Super Moon has brought us interesting energy this week. The energy is about final ends and new beginnings. Anything we haven’t been dealing with and pushing out of our awareness is manifesting at this time to be dealt with. I personally have not been able to sleep during normal hours because of the energy at night has been stirring creativity. Our dreams are also more intense.

Venus rising before the Sun now with the bright star Sirius is the signal event inaugurating this new Summer of Love at the dawning of the Aquarian Age. Many people were born for the very age that is just now beginning. August is a month of illumination as all things in the dark come to light during this time. Tonight is a time to send new intentions, heal situations that no longer serve us, and look to the new energy before us. We are living in a renaissance. Enjoy it. 💗💕💗🌕🌝🌠