What Would Happen If You Invested in Nutrition Instead of Make-up?


One of the saddest aspects of our society is what the population idolizes as beauty. There was a time in my life, mainly my early twenties, when I seemed to invest most of my disposable income on my appearance. I was often riding trends. Head to the gym, cake on bronzer, go to the beauty store for some cover up, blow out your hair, chemically straighten your curls. When I look back at all of the time and money I invested in hiding bags under my eyes, bleaching my hair, powdering my face, and lining my eyes with black make-up, I see a lot of wasted energy.

While I finish editing my book, I have been working in a holistic health foods store. All of my disposable income has been redirected into good nutrition and whole food vitamin supplements. After a major lifestyle change, I feel I don’t have to try so hard to feel beautiful. A good nights rest and rolling out of bed is all I need. The left photo is what I looked like in 2009 spending hundreds of dollars a month on my appearance and spending countless hours in the bathroom. The right photo in the picture is what I looked like after rolling out of bed and throwing on a peasant top with my sugilite crystal. I should also add I just worked an 8 hour day on my feet when I took this photo. While some people may prefer the left, I prefer the right. I don’t have to try anymore and I feel like I have more energy than I did when I was 21.

There are a few things I changed up:

1. Moisturizer- Cell Food Gel. Cell Food has eliminated my need for cover-up or photoshopping wrinkles with a process that oxygenates your cells naturally. The product is full of enzymes, minerals, lavender oil, and aloe vera. I just put on a thin layer after I wash my face with hemp soap.

2. Probiotics- Megafood Megaflora Plus (50 billion) and fermented foods. Probiotics do so much for the immune system, skin, and digestive system. Having a healthy level of good bacteria in your gut can change your life in so many ways. I used to have dry skin and psoriasis that cleared up after a month of taking them. Probiotics help absorb more nutrients, making any other vitamins or produce you consume more effective and nourishing for your body.

3. Wholefood MultiVitamin- Megafood One Daily. Taking a good multi made a difference in my energy level in about a week. Over time, I noticed my hair, skin, and nails were better. I used to wear hair extensions all of the time and get my acrylics filled on my nails every two weeks. Now my hair is thick, long, and full, and my nails don’t break as easily.

4. Vegan diet- eliminating dairy. I was a vegetarian for 12 years before going vegan in 2014. I don’t get sick anymore, or have mucus issues in the winter, and I am losing weight. My work out regimen has been light yoga work outs, but cutting dairy alone has helped me feel healthier than when I consumed dairy and completed P90x in the picture on the left. Focusing on healthy plant food based on organic, non-GMO produce has also increased the nutrients in my diet.

5. Eliminate chemicals. No synthetics here. Having chemical-free hair products, dying my hair without ammonia, and removing chemicals from my diet has really changed up my lifestyle. There are so many natural, effective alternatives. I used to spend so much money on chemical-ridden strips to whiten my teeth. Now, they are white through brushing with Tom’s Fluoride-free toothpaste with Xylitol for whitening. Not only is it cheaper to use coconut oil on your hair than the leading chemical-ridden hair mask, it is super nourishing for your hair, scalp, and skin. Your body absorbs so much through your pores that you start to notice feeling healthier when you choose natural products.

These 5 changes have helped me feel so comfortable in my own skin. When I see old friends of mine still living in a lifestyle where they are spending so much money on the appearance of being healthy and happy, it makes me sad for them because in the end, they aren’t really being healthy at all. Spending money on nutrition instead of beauty products can transform your life. Your appearance becomes a reflection of the healthy being inside instead of a facade. The picture on the right is me today without any make-up. I am full of nutrients and natural products, and I feel I have never looked better. Try it for yourself. ❤️

Romance Angel Card Reading February 14, 2015


Pulling a card for everyone on Valentine’s Day from the romance angel card deck seems appropriate. Honeymoon can mean reigniting a flame on a holiday or a vacation. For someone who is single, this card could mean you could meet someone special soon on a significant holiday. The honeymoon card denotes your love life is ascending surrounding a significant holiday or trip. “Enjoy the bliss of holiday time together”.

Beyond the Superstition: Friday the 13th

Where we find superstition in our society, I find that there is a real, higher science explanation. We often fear what we have yet to understand. After studying numerology, I find that fears regarding numbers have to do entirely with perception. We perceive things within a range of a love vibration and a vibration of fear. The number thirteen has been both feared and celebrated throughout history. Furthermore, our thoughts affect our reality. We can attract tangible things from non-tangible thoughts ( See Living the Law of Attraction) .

If we wake up expecting bad things to happen, you will attract that experience. The opposite is also true. This is why studying the positive frequency within numbers can help you attract positivity. For instance, seeing 666 can either paralyze you with fear or help you re-center your thoughts on light and love, depending on your beliefs. An angel frequency of 666 means that your guides are bringing your attention to the fact that you should let go of fearful illusions and that you may be too materially mindful in that moment. The number thirteen has many meanings. Our negative perception of 13 can come from the number of knots on a noose, the number of witches in a covent, and the thirteenth card in tarot, an ancient form of fortune telling, being death. Of course, death is not always a bad card. Death, after all, can mean a new beginning.

In numerology, 1’s have to do with manifestation and 3’s have to do with ascension and those who have ascended, like Jesus and Buddha. Thirteen signifies, in new age philosophy, the divine feminine, specifically female ascended masters like Quan Yin and Lakshmi. Most women have 13 menstruation cycles in a year, giving the number feminine energy. According to Angel Numerologist and clairvoyant, Doreen Virtue, PhD, 13 signifies that the female ascended masters are helping you manifest positivity by keeping your thoughts positive.

Our founding fathers in America respected the number 13 and harnessed the energy to bless our nation. Some of our greatest thinkers in America’s history including Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and George Washington to name a few, belonged to the Freemasons who believed 13 to have a spiritual purpose. Our dollar bill is littered with 13, from rows of bricks on the pyramid, to the 13 arrows in the eagle’s left talon, to the 13 leaves and 13 olives on the branch.

IMG_0359Friday the 13th is a day of divine energy and manifestation. Your thoughts will determine what you manifest. Will your day be one filled with bad luck or one filled with divine blessings? That is truly the beauty of being free willed beings. You have the opportunity to harness the energy to create whatever experience you desire. Law of attraction is a higher science we are just beginning to understand and see evidence of in our society. Since we are heading in to a weekend of love, focusing on the energy of love can attract more of the experience into your life.

To keep your thoughts positive, use this affirmation:

I am a being of love, and I intentionally manifest a day of love for myself and everyone I come in contact with today.

Happy Friday the Thirteenth!
xo Julie Tour

The Chaotic Nature of Beautiful Change


When you feel like demands upon your life are pressuring you, remember this: the most beautiful changes are often birthed from chaos. If something in your life is making you feel less than stellar, if you can’t change it, embrace it as your catalyst for change in yourself. The process of how diamonds are made is a great example. A diamond is not born a diamond. A diamond is the result of a long journey under immense amounts of pressure. May your darkest days be your journey to your bright, shining future. ☀️