Eating Compassionately

Compassion Begins On Your Plate!

➡️What losing over a hundred pounds looks like on Instagram vs. ➡️what losing over a hundred pounds looks like in reality.

This is a major vulnerability post for me, friends. In honor of Earth day, I am posting to remind you that going vegan is not only the best thing you can do to save the planet, but also yourself. I rarely took pictures of me at my heaviest. It was one of the hardest times of my life. The picture of me sitting is when I already started losing a little weight a year into me working at Whole Foods Market when I was on a trip to Chicago opening a store. At my absolute heaviest, I was in an abusive marriage and so lost. It took me going vegan to get my groove back after it all. Seriously. I started feeling happier and more positive. I felt like I wanted to move my body more and my back pain was feeling relief. There were days at my heaviest I didn’t even want to move because my feet killed me and my back made me feel immobile. The lethargy went away going vegan. I started going to the gym, and eating a lot of chia for energy, and never felt better in my life.

After I lost weight, I wanted to show it off and look my best. What I didn’t post was the stretch marks, and the stomach pouch I still had, and the ups and downs along the way. You always see me post myself wearing high waisted leggings or jeans holding in my stomach, or a tank top that is loose in the tummy and flatters me just right. Reality is that I often take a million photos and try multiple poses before I post one. Never get caught up in appearances. The main thing to take away from me going vegan is that it literally improved my quality of life from a drastic standpoint.

My point is, veganism saved my life and my health. It doesn’t matter what you look like. It’s a better quality of life for everyone, from a personal level, to how animals are treated, to how many Earthly resources are saved for everyone by eating plant based. Compassion truly begins on your plate: for the animals, for the planet, and for your health. 💚🌱✨💗

Vegan Confessions: I Dated a Hunter.

When I found myself out of married life and suddenly single, it literally took me years to get back out there. I rebuilt my life from rock bottom to this beautiful, passion-driven career focus. I’d be damned if I was going to let a guy into my life to destroy what I built again. It took a job promotion and moving to a whole new town with literally no friends to finally have the desire to make an online dating account.

It took me awhile to find anyone I was even remotely interested in. I grew tired of swiping left on all the Michigan boys holding bloody deer heads and dead fish proudly for the camera in their profile pictures, so I put right in my bio: no hunters, please ✌🏼 . The intention was set for a relationship based in common interests.

One of the first guys I met was super nervous after reading up on me. For privacy’s sake, let’s call him Ben. Ben saw I was super passionate about veganism in my bio and thought if he shared he enjoyed deer hunting, I would unmatch him for sure. He decided to take the second route: hide it until he saw me in person. And it paid off.

We met shortly after I moved to this area, and hit it off right away. He laughed nervously as he told me he was a hunter, and begged me to give him a chance. I right away wrote it off as something that wouldn’t last, but he seemed sincere, so I listened. I soon realized Ben loved animals. He loved being outside and surrounded by nature, and that’s why he loved to hunt and fish. He had certain qualities he would look for to try to pick a deer that has already lived, and didn’t have babies. He trained dogs by day, and was knowledgeable at animal psychology and genuinely cared. I could see his heart. His genuine intention for animals is to love them and be close to them.

Ben quickly became my best friend in this area and casually dated me a few times a week. We never really ate together, and he tolerated my vegan burritos, but was turned off instantly at the word “vegan” in front of anything. Despite this, we tried to find desserts we both liked and restaurants we both liked (which is a challenge in mid-Michigan). It all seemed like it was going well. He knew my coworkers and friends, he came with me to a wedding, and we were growing closer and closer, until….. November: hunting season.

It didn’t become known to me he had an issue with me being vegan until things got real. What set me on this nutrition focused path was looking for answers after my dad died of cancer back in 2008, never smoked, never drank, but ate a high meat, Atkins diet. The ten year anniversary was in November this year. Ben spent that day with me making sure I was okay. I found myself on my vegan soap box spewing all of my knowledge about preventing disease and longevity with a plant based, Whole Foods Diet. This was the first time I really let my vegan freak flag fly with him.

And then, I said it: “I want to raise my kids vegan so they have the best shot at life.”

This statement, unknown to me at the time I made it, lead to a 4 day blackout period where I didn’t hear from Ben. The man who stayed with me on the anniversary of my dad’s death, told me he was in love with me, and drove me to a wedding hours away, wouldn’t even text me back, until he finally explained.

Ben texted: “If 4 days is a problem, how are you going to feel when I’m on a two week hunting excursion in my near future? You talk about veganism 25% of the time, and I will not raise my kids vegan. It’s something I never wanted to learn about. And I don’t want to hunt and think about how my lady doesn’t approve. It’s not that you’re vegan, it’s that I can’t escape it. And I can’t change you so I’m letting go. ”

After 6 months of friendship and companionship, we are now strangers who don’t speak. 👌🏼

If I learned anything valuable from Ben, it would be how to look at someone who hunts compassionately. Many hunters’ main motivation for hunting is a misguided love for animals and nature. Knowing this is honestly such a gift and has helped me cope with living in an area surrounded by them. It also taught me another very valuable lesson: the red flags you ignore in the beginning will be the very reason your relationship ends. Never let anyone make you feel bad for setting standards out of self love. If they don’t meet them, not a match. 💚🌱✨

Crossroads All Lead Home

Shifts and fluctuations in our surroundings is a part of life. Life is ever changing, ever expanding. Some people grow together, some grow apart. But the truth is, even if you are disappointed in who stays or who leaves, it’s all there for a reason. It’s all about resonance. Someone will vibe with you for one part of the journey, and then something shifts and they are vibing somewhere else. The right doors will open and close for you as a result of your vibration. You are attracting every crossroad for your highest good. 

Always remember that those who leave never really left. We carry pieces of everyone we have ever brought into our awareness. It is up to us to transmute these experiences, as they are always within us. Everyone carries a piece of you with them. Everything you experience and everyone you meet is always within you as well. This truth is that everything is limitless and infinitely connected to everything else. Separation is an illusion. There is only one all-that-is, always. 💫✌🏼

Soulmates, Twin Flames, and Lessons: How Do We Know?

Soulmates, twin flames, and lessons: how do we know? And more importantly, how can we manifest these unions? It’s taken a lot of love and a lot of loss for me to gain some clarity on romance for the spiritually-minded goddess. When you have developed your intuition and empathy over the years, when you do finally meet someone who lights you up, your love is intense, the signs will come flying, and you may find yourself overcome with passion for that individual. The difficult balance is communicating these intense feelings without scaring off your potential partner. The beautiful news is that like attracts like, and the person you are connecting with has likely seen the synchronistic moments, felt your loving presence, and also has some type of passion for you as well. The interesting question on my mind is what if the other person hasn’t quite mastered their intuition or opened their heart fully? The impatience sets in when you realize union between two flames can only happen once both people are tuned in to their divine guidance and loving themselves completely. Only then will you be ready to love each other in such a deeply conscious way. 

The magical element to attraction is that every person sent to you is meant to teach you something. You may go through years of failed attempts at love and then finally meet someone who makes you realize the divine timing behind it all. That kind of bliss will help you recognize that all the trials and tribulations were worth it. 
Confusion may set in if the relationship feels familiar– like you’ve known them before. A sense of deja vu can denote a prior lifetime together. These types of relationships often come with karmic baggage that need to be recognized, worked through, and healed. Many people incarnate together over lifetimes because they are part of the same soul group, or soulmates. They can even be family members or friends, not just romantic partners. These relationships are not always rainbows and butterflies. Soulmates help each other grow and transform, which can sometimes be painful. Soulmate relationships can also manifest joy, abundance, and playfulness. The wide spectrum of communication, from deeply concerning topics to blissful days of love and laughter, will keep these soulmates anything but bored. They could spend hours together and still have a lot to talk about. Other days, they could sit in silence and still understand what the other is feeling based on feeling their vibe. Since you’ve known each other through many physical densities, the soul is the one constant connection. And feeling a connection with someone on that level will bring many ethereal ideas and energies into the physical.

We live in a very interesting time of life. The Earth is transmuting old stagnant energies into a golden age. In preparation of that, many people are coming into union with their twin flame. A twin flame is like a soulmate, and can have very similar vibes, but these relationships are more intense. Why? Because a twin flame is literally your parallel soul. Many clairvoyants say that twin flames come into union during their last lifetimes on Earth, once they are the most spiritually evolved through lifetimes of learning. When twins meet each other, they will find a lot of similarities between them even though they have never physically met before. They will find themselves drawn to one another for some reason. That’s because they have been joined in the 5th dimension way before either of them incarnated here. Their lives may share a lot of parallels. They may have similar ancestry, share similar childhood experiences, maybe they’ve even had the same family pets, or come into a lot of money, and lost it all supporting their families at similar times. Maybe they even eat similarly no matter how strange the diet is in terms of societal norms. Maybe there’s a telepathic element there where you seem to be listening to the same songs, or feeling each other’s feelings even without saying a word. I’m speaking from experience. When twins come together, their energy is joyful yet intense. Their childlike humor and sense of adventure makes everyone around them feel happy. They help each other grow and challenge each other like soulmates do, but a twin also comes with many keys of happiness the other needs and vice versa. When twin flames come into union, it’s a huge blessing to not only themselves, but the world. We live in a world of free will choices though and twins and soulmates may choose to experience relationships with other people. When that happens, your 5th dimensional self often knows the divine timing behind why you are separated from your twin, even though your 3rd dimensional self may not fully understand. Everything happens for a reason, even if our finite human minds may not comprehend the reasoning. The point is though, once they come into contact, they are both forever changed. 

While the intensity of these relationships have the potential to rock your world, they also have the potential to heal your world. It’s about which mind you and your soulmate are feeding: one of fear or one of love. We live in a free world so the decision is yours. The beautiful thing is that there is never a wrong decision. Either way, you will learn. Keep in mind that love experienced between two beings is just recognition of the source within another person. This is always within you. You do not need a twin or a soulmate to feel the loving energy of the universe. However, having someone to channel those higher dimensional energies with does bring many additional blessings to this planet. When we send each other love, it builds. 

If you desire to manifest a relationship like this, the best thing you can do is to decide to love yourself. When you work on becoming your greatest version and following your bliss, you’ll attract the higher self of someone else who is also coming into their own. Furthermore, doing things that you are passionate about will lead you to places where others are also passionate about similar things. It’s there that you’ll meet your soul group, your tribe. If you think you’ve met this person, heart to heart conversations are key. Keeping information is literally keeping someone in the dark. Shed light on how you are feeling. Also, buckle up, buttercup. There are many stages twins go through before coming into union. While the fairytale stage is blissful, the turmoil of purging any fears stage, and the runner and the chaser stage is not for the weak of heart. If it’s meant to be, it will happen. Let it go and see what comes back. It is in the moments we stop looking that it comes to fruition. ✨

Transformation: Following Your Inner Voice

Being brutally honest with yourself in all aspects of your life will change everything around you. Some of us don’t even realize we aren’t being true. We have been conditioned to be people-pleasing members of society. Society tends to behave in a way that will lead themselves down the path of least resistance, which ultimately means you are catering to those around you. 

When you see something you don’t like, stand up for yourself. If something stirs your passions, follow it, no matter what social costs there may be. When you are true to yourself above all else, you truly transform your life in beautiful ways. Your work becomes fun. Your connections become very deep. Your experiences become life-affirming. Never be afraid to love yourself enough to listen to your inner voice above all else. ✌️

Finding the Silver Lining 

“Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.” – Walt Whitman

You’ve heard the spiritual teachers, the optimists, and your mother tell you… keep your sight on the light. Think of how a dancer pivots their head while spinning. If she were to cast her gaze among the spinning world around her, she could lose her balance. Keeping her focus on one point, and pivoting her head overlooking the spinning chaos, she can continue to dance. Life can seem chaotic, but if you focus on the silver lining, the light in any situation, you will never lose your balance. When you always face the light, the shadows will fall at your back, no matter how dark they may seem. Your future will always be bright. ☀️

All Dogs Go to Heaven

The past few months have rocked my world. I’ve known both losses and miracles in such a short time. I am truly sorry to say one of my little co-hosts from my video blogs, Scooby, passed today. He was only a few years old. It’s such a strange feeling, being that he was perfectly healthy a few days ago. The vet could only speculate a bacterial infection or a poison, but something consumed Scooby’s liver, kidneys, and pancreas within a few short days.


I am an extremely spiritual person and called upon every guide I have to intervene in his sickness and passing. While this has worked to revive my other miniature dachshund, Reesie, last month, I felt almost abandoned in Scooby’s circumstance. Reesie had a slipped disc of the spine and I was told last month she would never walk again. Between natural remedies like turmeric, prayers, and lots of love from both me and Scooby, Reesie could miraculously walk again. After witnessing her miraculous recovery, I was very optimistic when Scooby started throwing up a few days ago.

I thought Scooby was improving last night, so I went to work like normal this morning. I left him cuddling close with Reesie, his paws literally holding her. When I returned home from lunch, he did not lift his head from the bed, just blinked at me. When I held him, he plopped against my shoulder and started vomiting blood without heaving, without moving much, and barely breathing. Without delay, I went to the nearest animal hospital. I put meditation music on in the car and stroked him until we arrived. When I finally got him to the vet, the doctor could not detect a heart beat. I stroked his chest and called for him. As if responding to me, his heart started beating. He looked at me and opened his mouth, as if saying good bye. I will never forget that moment. I called upon the angels for a healing. I wanted nothing more than to be able to take him back home. The vet was not able to regulate his heart beat, but did take him away to give him oxygen and run blood work. It wasn’t long after the results showing his internal organs were failing that the doctor told me he was gone. I glanced down at the time at that moment. It was 2:44 pm. 44’s are a strong angel number. I knew the angels were with him.

A part of me will always believe Scooby deserved better. He had a short life. Before we rescued him, he was found by Furever Homes in Detroit abandoned. He was living in a run down house missing a wall. He was malnourished and needed care. Instantly upon fostering him, he became part of the family. We finally adopted him shortly after. Reesie and Scooby were two peas in a pod. He bonded with my husband on a deep level. You could see an old, sweet soul in his eyes. He barely barked (except for peanut butter) and was always so affectionate. Scooby’s nature humbled me. How could a being abandoned by the world and left to starve to death, be so truly serene, loving and trusting?

Moments like these make you really think about what’s important in life. My favorite moments in the past few years seemed almost insignificant in the present as it passed me by. Every moment I spent with both my dogs cuddling, playing, and loving, whether it was when we cuddled in bed, went for long walks, or played along the “wiener rail” (the back of my couch), I will never forget the tender moments we all shared together. Life is so short. Never waste a moment that you can share love, whether it be with an animal, a family member, or a friend.

Even though my feeble human mind can not understand why some live and some die, I know a bigger plan is in place. The angels were there today with Scooby, even though he did not live to see another day. I do not believe his death was meaningless. I pulled a card from the “Talking with Heaven” deck from James Van Praagh and Doreen Virtue tonight. It said, “I am now one of your guides.” What a strong guide this sweet soul will be. You were more than a dog to me, Scooby, you were a soulmate. You will always be a part of my soul group, little buddy. You were an earth angel who gave so much love and taught me so much with your unconditionally loving soul. See you again one day.

In Memory…


The Other Side of Tragedy


I am always genuinely smiling no matter what is going on in life. Even while facing the most adverse situations in my life, I always find happiness. How you may ask? The truth is, it is all about perspective.

When I look back in my life, whether it be losing a scholarship, losing my father to cancer, or losing a child, every tragic situation has changed my life. I view even perceived problems by many as blessings from God. Whenever something major happens, it is as if God sent me a magical shift in my life’s road map. Even chaotic situations eventually settle. Where the dust settles always turns out to be exactly what I needed, even if I couldn’t see it at the time. Trust, have faith, keep moving forward and be happy in knowing that everything turns out exactly as it’s supposed to with divine blessings for all. Having this mentality will literally align your life in miraculous ways.

Surrender Your Ego: Get Out of Your Own Way!


It seems so simple to say get out of your own way, but its a point so many people on this planet miss. Are you your own worst critic? Are you fearful of making a bad choice? Are you scared to fail? Do you turn down opportunities after talking yourself out of it? Do you talk yourself out of trying something new? Do you convince yourself that mediocrity is okay? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this message is for you.

I meet so many who block their own abundance in their lives. Worry and doubts can attract the very miserable experiences you are trying to avoid. I have been guilty of it myself so I am speaking from a place of love so that the next person can avoid it. I don’t know about you, but at the end of the day I don’t want to say I simply “got through” my life. I want to enjoy all that life has to offer. The best way to do this is to become a “Yes Man” to God, the Angels, and the Universe with every good thing that presents itself to you.

God wants to shower us with infinite abundance. It took me a long time to realize that it takes a great deal of energy to be broke and manifest misery. If you constantly talk yourself out of opportunities, people, and new things, you may totally be missing your boat to abundance. If you control others trying to help you out of fear and turn them down, you are blocking the help coming your way. The good news is that there are an infinite number of opportunities available. It is never too late to start to notice the chance meetings, good information, or people coming your way.

I strongly believe God works through us and reaches down to us through others. It’s time to get out of your own way and enjoy everything the Universe has to offer. No more excuses. Know in your heart that abundance is here for you, and take the action steps you are guided to take. If your path isn’t clear, meditate. Ask for a sign. Do something. Anything is better than staying passive. I promise you that the Universe will answer. It’s time to let go, surrender the fears from your ego, and start living the promises today.

How to Manifest Abundance


Living a prosperous life is a way of thinking and living. Living in poverty is also a way of thinking and living. I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum during my short lifetime already. The cool thing about manifestation is that you have a choice. There is no right way to live but I believe we shouldn’t have to suffer in any way. In fact, I believe that God wants us to be happy and live abundant lives so that we may easily fulfill our life’s purpose and share our riches in Divine ways with the Earth and her inhabitants.

When people make excuses as to why they block their divine gifts of abundance, that is their choice to keep manifesting poverty. Even though it may seem unlikely to overcome challenges before you, trust that a divine plan can see solutions that your feeble human mind cannot. Whether you call it God or the Universe, many believe in an all-intelligent, all-knowing being that we call in Hermetics, The All. The All will deliver to you anything that your thoughts focus on. If you are worried about experiencing poverty in your future or currently, you attract exactly that. Your thoughts are like a magnet, manifesting your future experiences.

My best advice to go from the lower end of the spectrum to experiencing complete abundance would be to shift your thoughts from worries to a place of gratitude. Even in the most dire of circumstances, there is always something to focus on that you are grateful for. Whether it is the sky, the sun, the time of peace, a friend, or a happy memory, whatever happy time you choose to focus on, feel your belly fill up with thanks. Feel it entirely. When you do this, you attract more good feelings in your life.

Notice any ideas that come to you. While an uncomfortable situation can feel overwhelming, breaking the situation down into small action steps will help manifest your desire. Small steps can mean big changes over time. Everything you experience in life is temporary, including our problems. Everything is constantly changing as time moves us alone. You deserve happiness, abundance and peace in your life. Affirm, I create prosperity easily and effortlessly. See what ideas come to you and go with the flow.