New Video Blog: Separation is an Illusion

Julie Tour is a spiritual author and blogger who discusses her experiences with psychics and mediums that are chronicled in her upcoming book anticipated by the end of 2014. Tour believes that physical separation is an illusion in spiritual truth. Channeling and speaking with loved ones is only a mental phone call away. From her own psychic experiences, to messages from others, Tour discusses how tangible signs and chance meetings have aided in communication with her Dad who passed in 2008.

Not every psychic is a medium. A medium is someone who can channel people from beyond the grave. After her Dad passed away, Tour found herself on a journey to spiritual understanding. During that time, she received messages from many famous psychics, some by chance. Her Dad successfully came through on multiple occasions in front of an audience full of people. She discusses lessons learned, and recognizing signs and messages from her Dad in heaven.

Surrender Your Ego: Get Out of Your Own Way!


It seems so simple to say get out of your own way, but its a point so many people on this planet miss. Are you your own worst critic? Are you fearful of making a bad choice? Are you scared to fail? Do you turn down opportunities after talking yourself out of it? Do you talk yourself out of trying something new? Do you convince yourself that mediocrity is okay? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this message is for you.

I meet so many who block their own abundance in their lives. Worry and doubts can attract the very miserable experiences you are trying to avoid. I have been guilty of it myself so I am speaking from a place of love so that the next person can avoid it. I don’t know about you, but at the end of the day I don’t want to say I simply “got through” my life. I want to enjoy all that life has to offer. The best way to do this is to become a “Yes Man” to God, the Angels, and the Universe with every good thing that presents itself to you.

God wants to shower us with infinite abundance. It took me a long time to realize that it takes a great deal of energy to be broke and manifest misery. If you constantly talk yourself out of opportunities, people, and new things, you may totally be missing your boat to abundance. If you control others trying to help you out of fear and turn them down, you are blocking the help coming your way. The good news is that there are an infinite number of opportunities available. It is never too late to start to notice the chance meetings, good information, or people coming your way.

I strongly believe God works through us and reaches down to us through others. It’s time to get out of your own way and enjoy everything the Universe has to offer. No more excuses. Know in your heart that abundance is here for you, and take the action steps you are guided to take. If your path isn’t clear, meditate. Ask for a sign. Do something. Anything is better than staying passive. I promise you that the Universe will answer. It’s time to let go, surrender the fears from your ego, and start living the promises today.

Reaching for the Stars; Overcoming Challenges


Make your challenges part of your success story! Many extraordinary people throughout history had their start in difficult circumstances. What these extraordinary people had in common is that they never gave up. Often our perceived challenges are actually gifts of wisdom and experience from our Creator. We came to Earth to learn. If everything was perfect, there would be little to learn. Remember that this planet is a school. Look for the lessons in your challenges. To find wisdom behind perceived chaos is a blessing. Imagine what extraordinary destiny awaits you once you overcome your hardships. Everything in life, including our problems, is temporary. Persevere with open eyes, and watch your destiny unfold.

How to Manifest Abundance


Living a prosperous life is a way of thinking and living. Living in poverty is also a way of thinking and living. I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum during my short lifetime already. The cool thing about manifestation is that you have a choice. There is no right way to live but I believe we shouldn’t have to suffer in any way. In fact, I believe that God wants us to be happy and live abundant lives so that we may easily fulfill our life’s purpose and share our riches in Divine ways with the Earth and her inhabitants.

When people make excuses as to why they block their divine gifts of abundance, that is their choice to keep manifesting poverty. Even though it may seem unlikely to overcome challenges before you, trust that a divine plan can see solutions that your feeble human mind cannot. Whether you call it God or the Universe, many believe in an all-intelligent, all-knowing being that we call in Hermetics, The All. The All will deliver to you anything that your thoughts focus on. If you are worried about experiencing poverty in your future or currently, you attract exactly that. Your thoughts are like a magnet, manifesting your future experiences.

My best advice to go from the lower end of the spectrum to experiencing complete abundance would be to shift your thoughts from worries to a place of gratitude. Even in the most dire of circumstances, there is always something to focus on that you are grateful for. Whether it is the sky, the sun, the time of peace, a friend, or a happy memory, whatever happy time you choose to focus on, feel your belly fill up with thanks. Feel it entirely. When you do this, you attract more good feelings in your life.

Notice any ideas that come to you. While an uncomfortable situation can feel overwhelming, breaking the situation down into small action steps will help manifest your desire. Small steps can mean big changes over time. Everything you experience in life is temporary, including our problems. Everything is constantly changing as time moves us alone. You deserve happiness, abundance and peace in your life. Affirm, I create prosperity easily and effortlessly. See what ideas come to you and go with the flow.

Living the Law of Attraction


Albert Einstein posed a question meant for us to question the very nature of our existence. “Is the Universe a friendly place?” Based on what we know about quantum physics and the law of attraction, I believe we can answer yes, the universe is a friendly place. As someone who has manifested both miracles and problems into her life, I can say without a shred of doubt that the universe is willing to bring you anything you wish. Even though I have manifested horrible things, I have also manifested seemingly impossible good fortune.

Whatever your focus is on becomes manifested into material form. Belief makes the unbelievable tangible. Want to see an angel? After continuously focusing on my belief in a spiritual experience, I finally experienced many amazing things. Worried about a car being repossessed? Worries can block all abundance to help pay for that car, so the universe helped there as well…. Like earning thousands the day after it’s repossession. A little too ironic, right? Focused on abundance and a huge bank account? I’ve been there too and used my riches to share with my family, friends, and causes I cared about. Worried about a bad grade? The focus will make you late or miss class due to unforeseen circumstances no matter how hard you studied. Want to talk to that spiritual guru you’ve been listening to on the radio? No problem. The universe brought a phone call to me through mutual friends. Want that reading by that medium so in demand she has a 4 year waiting list and charges a ridiculous fee? No problem. Belief you will speak can bring you to that right time right place moment, free of any charge, I may add. Want a paid writing opportunity? A stay-at-home business? Belief will make these things come to you almost effortlessly.

After seeing these patterns in my own life, I can without a doubt say the universe is a friendly place. One spiritual teacher I admire explains that the universe is like an over-eager genie granting your wish before you even say “I wish for”. The universe is granting them by responding to your thoughts. Your thoughts literally manifest everything in your life. Not everyone likes to hear this because it requires taking responsibility for the good and the bad, but it is 100% true.

Thank goodness all manifestations take time and consistent focus and action steps. Emotions can give us clues about whether our thoughts are focused on our highest good or not. Bad feelings about the worries you have will give you previews, like a loving warning before it manifests into form. The other realization that helped is to realize positive loving thoughts are way more powerful than negative ones. However, consistent worry will attract the very things you don’t want.

Realizing this freeing concept that the universe really does want us to have what we need has invited career opportunities, friendships, love, and abundance that I always wanted. Einstein’s intent to leave us exploring this question has given us a whole new understanding of consciousness. Reality can be whatever you would like it to be. Life really can be a dream. There is always a way… even though our feeble human minds cannot see an answer, the divine can. Let the universe do the heavy lifting.

Natural Deodorant

I was recently asked to model my under arm and write about the natural deodorant I use. I posted about this in my “5 Steps to Develop Psychic Awareness” video on YouTube. I think it’s awesome that someone was inspired to put this together in response to the mainstream ads about deodorant with chemicals and metals.

I am a strong believer that if you have yet to have a psychic/spiritual experience it may be your lifestyle keeping you in a certain consciousness. Using all natural, organic beauty products is but one part of what I do to decalcify my pineal gland. I wanted to share my picture and story from my natural deodorant shoot.


“Decalcifying my pineal gland is very important to me. My challenge was to be as comfortable in my own skin as possible while going all-natural. I wanted to still feel girly instead of grungy as I let my inner Earth goddess out. Eliminating metals and chemicals from beauty products drastically improved my overall health and intuition. I switched to using an organic peppermint oil by Aura Cacia. I still smell great and keep cool while I feel naturally clean. My husband likes the smell too.”