Living Consciously 

We have been conditioned from birth to feel the need to expand ourselves, to set goals, to achieve, to acquire. Once we accomplish a goal, we move on to the next, always needing to validate our lives with the next big accomplishment. The problem with always having your sights on the future is that you might just miss the journey. Every moment you spend awake, consciously in a state of just being is a blessing and a miracle. There is no need to validate your miraculousness. 


Take a moment each morning to set a new goal for yourself: to relax and enjoy every moment of the day. When we rest, and nurture ourselves, we grow without striving and struggling. When we are rested and practice mindfulness, ideas will come naturally. If that leads to be a future accomplishment, let it, but don’t let your mind dwell in the future. The more we go with the flow, stay present in the here and now, and honor ourselves as whole beings, the less we need to struggle. We push against the energy of the universe when we vibrationally tell the world we need more. When we honor what we have and who we are as whole, we send the vibration of leading a whole life. This is the foundation of living a conscious life.